5 Food Groups that are therapeutic for your body.

In Functional Medicine, food is the first line of therapy to prevent and treat illness and disease.

In Functional Medicine, food is the first line of therapy to prevent and treat illness and disease. Some foods are known to cause inflammation in the body. Examples are nightshades and foods that contain gluten. There are also foods known to reduce inflammation in the body such as broccoli, which happens to be one of my favorite foods.

  • Green Vegetables – green vegetables such as spinach and kale help to slow the aging process. They are also high in vitamins C & K. Eating green vegetables is like eating sunshine.
  • Probiotic Foods – probiotic foods help to keep our gut microbiome full of healthy bacteria. Our gut is where all inflammation begins and inflammation is the beginning of every disease process. Foods such as yogurt and kefir supply your body with those good bacteria. You could also take a probiotic with different strains of bacteria. The more strains, the better.
  • Prebiotic Foods – prebiotic foods such as chicory, asparagus, and artichokes, also act on the gut microbiome by adding much-needed fiber.
  • High Antioxidant Foods – foods such as berries and cruciferous vegetables provide anti-oxidants that decrease free radical damage and slow the aging process.
  • Omega-3 Foodswild-caught fish like salmon, sardines, halibut, tuna, and mackerel. Other plant sources include walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seedsA diet high in “good fats” is essential for controlling inflammation, cognitive health, hormone production, cancer prevention, weight loss, and cellular healing. Omega-3 fats are natural anti-inflammatories and help counteract the effects of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats, which are very high in modern-day diets.

It’s easier than you think to take charge of your health. Changes in behaviors and lifestyle do not need to be big. Keep your new behaviors small and you will find yourself feeling better and better. Here are two additional resources about food as medicine.

Cat is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and is a Certified Gluten-Free Practitioner among many other pertinent certifications. She is passionate about helping women age in reverse, and helping women reverse or place auto-immune conditions in remission.