What is Smudging?

Smudging is the burning of plant material to energetically cleanse a physical space and invite in positive energies.

It’s an ancient spiritual practice, typically performed by Native Americans and other tribal cultures. But these groups weren’t the only ones that practiced smudging. Burning incense and other materials are common spiritual practices you’ll find in Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism and other religious practices all around the world.

Aside from its’ spiritual benefits, smudging is a great way to purify your home! Also, burning incense and sage helps keep insects at bay! Sage is also known to be antimicrobial, thus helping disinfect your home of any virus, bacteria or fungus.

How to Smudge

Smudging is as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Be mindful with your selection of herbs and enjoy the process.


  • Material of choice (sage, resin, Palo Santo, incense, Lavender, Cedar, etc.)
  • Flame
  • Fireproof bowl to catch ashes (ceramic, shell, brass, etc.)

You can buy pre-made smudge sticks at your local metaphysical store. Light it on fire. Once you have your flame, quickly blow it out but make sure you keep the ember glowing. Walk around as you allow the smoke to dance throughout your home and catch any ashes that fall in the bowl.

From the perspective of spiritual ritualistic lenses, you’ll want to be more thoughtful, taking your time to gather your materials. Follow your intuition and set intentions as you let the smoke rise. You can incorporate mantras, prayers or visualization. You can also take a traditional approach if that resonates with you. Choose a ritual and research the specifics.

Spirituality is personal so tailor smudging to fit you, for you are a unique individual.