Energy Services

Chakra Balancing

What is Chakra Balancing?

Chakra balancing is meant for the seven chakras which are recognized in the yogic philosophies. These chakras are energy centers in the shape of a wheel that begin at the bottom of our spine and travel up through our bodies to just above the crown of our heads. Each chakra is connected to certain organs, emotions, and behaviors.

Our Chakras can become “blocked” or “stagnant” from past trauma or illness and many other experiences as we move through life.

Balancing your Chakras and bringing them back into alignment may increase your energy, clarity, and enjoyment of life among many other improvements you will notice.

Some of the modalities that are used to balance chakras are crystals, essential oils, reiki, sound therapy, hand mudras, mantras, journaling, guided meditation and whatever else your practitioner feels drawn to use.

45 Minutes


60 Minutes
