The Benefits of Child’s Pose


There’s a reason why Child’s Pose is so frequently used in yoga classes! Also known as Balasana, this calm and restorative pose is one of many benefits of yoga.

Practicing in this fetal position helps relieve tension in the back, thighs, hips, neck and shoulders. When surrendering to this pose, you’ll notices its ability to ease the mind, body and spirit allowing you to look inward to find peace. If you need to de-stress, take a moment to reconnect with this posture. Tune into your breath and let this pose do the rest.

  • Recommended if you have dizziness or fatigue
  • Helps alleviate stress and anxiety
  • Massages the body’s internal organs and keeps them supple
  • Lengthens and stretches the spine
  • Gently stretches the hips, thighs and ankles
  • Normalizes circulation throughout the body
  • Stretches muscles, tendons and ligaments in the knee
  • Calms the mind and body
  • Encourages strong and steady breathing

How to Perform Child’s Pose


  • Kneel down on your mat, knees at hip distance. Bringing the toes together sit down on the heels.
  • When you’re ready, lower the torso forward towards the mat in between the thighs.
  • Extend the arms out in front palms face down. If the body doesn’t permit or if pregnant, spread your knees out further but avoid putting pressure on your abdomen.
  • Allow the head to relax down on your mat or on a block. Relax the neck, arms and shoulders.
  • For added comfort, consider placing a blanket beneath your forehead or the knees.
  • Relax the muscles and reconnect to the breath, being mindful of any physical sensations allow yourself to surrender to child’s pose.
  • [Variations] If your hip joints are tight, keep your knees together and lower your torso on top of your thighs. Place a rolled towel below your shins to take the pressure off your ankles. Use caution when practicing child’s pose if you’ve suffered a knee injury.