From the Heart

Yoga Therapy

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga Therapy is new to the health & wellness field, but it’s a fast-growing modality of health care!

Training & Experience

Cat Taylor | Certified Yoga Therapist IAYT

Yoga Therapists go through a rigorous amount of training which includes 940 hours of education and practicum work. They’re also required to go through a very disciplined scrutiny to become nationally certified and recognized by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT).

Education includes everything from anatomy, to disease process and management, to the subtle body. The process of education and practicum takes three years so you can be sure that you’ll be well cared for when you decide to work with a Yoga Therapist.

I’ve completed my education with Yogafit, a nationally recognized Yoga Education Organization, founded by Beth Shaw, one of the yoga industry’s leaders. I’ve also
completed medical shadowing hours with Rachel Marino, NP, founder of Marino Health & Wellness, a local leader in Stem Cell Regeneration treatment.

The Process

When you make the decision to work with a Yoga Therapist you’ll begin with a consultation that includes a thorough health assessment. You may have been e-mailed some assessments to prepare before your consultation which will help your therapist better prepare to ask targeted questions that are going to be meaningful for you.  You’ll leave your consultation with one or two practices to take home with you to begin the healing process.

Why you decided to seek the services of a Yoga Therapist will build your sessions, and your sessions will look different each time. Your first session may include some movement (asanas), breath practice (pranayama), affirmations, hand mudras, essential oils, sound therapy, and so much more. You will have homework in-between sessions just as you would were you working with a Physical Therapist or an MD. One thing to remember is that you are always in control!


Your Yoga Therapist has a toolbox brimming with treatment modalities for you! Some that may be included are:


  • Reiki
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Ayurveda techniques
  • Mantras
  • Yoga sequences
  • Meditation
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Kosha work


20 Min Consultation


If you’re interested in a holistic form of healing for stress reduction, psychological well-being, improved diet, and efficient functioning of bodily systems, look no further. Discover how you can benefit from incorporating Yoga Therapy into your holistic health and wellness routine!  *Consultation fee will be applied as a credit to your first Yoga Therapy session.



Yoga Therapy | 45 Min


Book your appointment with Cat to soon experience a noticeable improvement across several dimensions of physical and mental health including physicality, relaxation, and mindfulness.

You’ll be glad you did!